We wear the uniforms which are appropriate to our purpose and wear different costumes for various occasions. Even the Indian guru's attire conforms to the accepted societal norm. Hipsters, New-Agers, Religious People, Hippies, Musicians, Yogis....all conform to the expectations of their peers. To most people nowadays the tie is a symbol of authority, and that's a little sad to me; there was a time when every man wore a tie, regardless of his status. I have noticed a difference in the way people treat me when I wear a tie, or even just a blazer jacket without a tie. This psychological reaction can be used to one's advantage in certain circumstances, or work against one in other circumstances. With this in mind I try to dress appropriately for the occasion. Perhaps a view into the history of neckties would help to break through the xenophobia a little? https://youtu.be/oThApiIH7dM

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