We wear the uniforms which are appropriate to our purpose and wear different costumes for various occasions. Even the Indian guru's attire conforms to the accepted societal norm. Hipsters, New-Agers, Religious People, Hippies, Musicians, Yogis....all conform to the expectations of their peers. To most people nowadays the tie is a symbol of authority, and that's a little sad to me; there was a time when every man wore a tie, regardless of his status. I have noticed a difference in the way people treat me when I wear a tie, or even just a blazer jacket without a tie. This psychological reaction can be used to one's advantage in certain circumstances, or work against one in other circumstances. With this in mind I try to dress appropriately for the occasion. Perhaps a view into the history of neckties would help to break through the xenophobia a little? https://youtu.be/oThApiIH7dM


The Church of the Subgenius has a term, "Bulldada," roughly, it describes things which were incredibly uncool when they were popular but due to the passage of time become cool. There appears to be some correlation between the uncoolness at the the time the thing was popular and the value of the Bulldada... 

(The Rocky Horror Picture Show)/ Science Fiction-Double Feature

My father used to leave at the movie theatre when he had a hot date. A double-feature was cheaper than a baby-sitter and you didn't have to make it back in time.



I'm not religious. I am an agnostic; possibly pantheist; I think religion, including this new wishy-washy, feel-good, law of attraction, new age cultism is stupid, verges on evil and makes people apathetic to the suffering of others. I don't believe in ghosts, souls, gods, heaven, hell, original sin, immaculate babies, angels, demons, devils, dragons, unicorns or faeries. I don't believe any mumbo-jumbo, metaphysical voodoo, chakras, levitation or alternative planes of reality (except as proposed by physics AKA science). I don't believe in reincarnation. I don't believe in astrology, psychics, telekinesis or applied kinesiology. I think that by default its better to disbelieve things that cannot be proven. Instead of seeing things in black and white, I see a myriad of shades of grey. 

I believe Christ was an ordinary man just like the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed or any other so called messiah, prophet, or deity. I consider religion to be the most destructive force on the planet. More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason. Religious intolerance divides people even more than racial hatred. The worst part of it is that they are all fighting over who has the best imaginary friend. I see very religious people as superstitious and intellectually challenged. Of course, I do have dear friends who are religious because I love them enough to accept them in spite of their cognitive failings. I hope that there is intelligent life somewhere out there in space, because there clearly isn't any here on Earth.

There aren't any benevolent aliens coming to save us from self-destruction. We are all together on this fragile little mud-ball out in space and there are no emergency exits. It is up to us to take care of ourselves and each other. Even if we suddenly evolve in our consciousness enough to stop killing each other, we could easily be wiped out altogether by an asteroid, comet, solar explosion, supernova or other unforeseen calamity.  Our best hope is to immediately stop fighting, dissolve all national borders, stigmatize religion enough to prevent its destructive force, and begin a global effort to colonize space. Don't worry, anyone who wants to stay on Earth will have that option.